Monday 27 September 2021

Future Posts

On the completion of the build I did state that I planned to continue the blog following the sailing adventures of Bunty B, however there has been only minimal interest in this continuation so I have to decided not to provide regular updates.

As many people suffered around the world the pandemic seriously curtailed my extensive plans for cruising off the West Coast of Scotland, despite this over the past twelve months I have still managed many weeks at sea and the joy of sailing Bunty B has grown exponentially. I have continued to make many alterations and improvements to improve her safety and performance and will endeavour to continue to do so.

I have not ruled out any future posts but will only do so if I consider it worthy and perhaps of interest. I will close at this point by posting a few photographs taken over the past twelve months, unfortunately I do not have a close up shot of her in full sail, as you will understand I have to rely on someone else to take that shot and pass it on to me. When I receive a good one I'll post it.


  1. Please, keep on posting articles. I have followed your blog for couple of years now, and it's interesting to read experiences about sailing a BĂ©niguet.

  2. I too would be very interested in more posts. I have followed your blog since the beginning and have obtained study plans for Beniguet.

  3. This is a great looking boat!
